AWARE Cyber Security Awareness Service

Cyber Security is not a responsibility only for the Cyber Sec teams, but for all corporate workers with all roles.

Forcerta AWARE addresses awareness and an improvement of maturity of cybersecurity at all layers with “zero to hero” approach.

The program runs with monthly themes for one year, including training, bulletins, phishing campaigns, posters, screen wallpaper, tips and quiz tests. Each activity is planned based on the theme of the month with the corporate image, logo, and colors.

The program measures and reports the improvement of all layers from person to department, to whole company. The quantitative measures and reports Show where to improve in a granular view.


AWARE – What does it include

Annual Plan
The 12-month cyber security plan is prepared based on the strategy of the company

Corporate Employees’ General Cyber Security Awareness
Regulations and quick assessment are the inputs for the awareness program flow. The initial scores are supported by gamification techniques like “League of Security Stars” or “Security Champions”. The findings of weaknesses are also inputs for enhancing the plans for following months of the program

Department Based Trainings
Trainings contents can be customized for group companies or specific areas of activity the company is in. The trainings are followed by maturity scores supported by gamification techniques like “League of Security Stars” or “Security Champions”

Newcomers and Third Parties
The maturity level is measured and improved from the first day, by adding the AWARENESS service inside the onboarding process of the newcomers.

The same service can be added in to the third-party management program in the procurement process.

C-Level Trainings and Reports
Board and C-Level management requires tailored training. Senior consultants prepare and present the training, which is very interactive, to the point. The first training takes less than 90 mins, with quarterly updates which take 30 mins.

Phishing Campaigns 
Based on the corporate or regulation requirements, the campaigns run periodically. The scenarios are prepared end to end based on the corporate strategy and results of the previous campaigns.

Bulletins and Posters 
Cyber Security events are always on the news. The current threats are shared with behind-the-scenes information and prevention tips. 

Weekly bulletins gather trending news on Cyber Security, which are shared internally via e-mail.

Posters and screen wallpapers are customized or created with corporate logo and colors

Plan and Monitor your Information Security Awareness

Forcerta AWARE Siber Güvenlik Farkındalik Gelişimi

Forcerta Consultancy Team makes interviews at the beginning of the program followed by simulations for quantitative measures.

The target maturity level is supported by a road map which contains all the details of monthly plans and tailored activities.

Throughout the whole 12 months, all the activities are reported and mapped on the road map with improvement measures on all layers.